A Futuristic Facial Fast Forward

23 03 2008

Can you imagine striking the same pose for 8 straight years? Wouldn’t that make for an ideal timeline of how you have changed and progressed throughout the duration of 2,920 days? Wouldn’t it also be the most accurate way to document age progression..and wouldn’t it be even more awesome if you uploaded all those pictures and made them into a video? Well, that’s exactly what Jonathan Keller did. He’s the brains behind a daily photo project he titles “The Adaptation to My Generation: Living My Life Faster”. What makes this project really intriguing, is that this sort of experiment could not have been done years ago when computers were the size of a room. (I realize I keep saying that in pretty much every blog I post, because after all, that’s one technologically advanced fact that cannot be ignored. Computers are the masterminds behind everything. Plus the smaller they get, the faster and more advanced they become. Anyway.) The fact of the matter is that digital photography is what has enabled JK to seamlessly transform his still photography into the video format, allowing him to successfully record his own aging process. The experiment has been duplicated now by tons of people and their videos can be seen on youtube and other likely sites. It’s a sort of journal for people to keep, everyday, an entry is like a declaration of a person’s appearance and mood from one day in history.

 People change overtime, but you can’t tell just how much they’ve changed on a day to day basis. However, when you have 2,920 photos and maybe take 15 random pictures from that 8 year span, you can see how a person ages; from the obvious hair color and style, to puffy cheeks or more sunken ones. This is a great way for someone to keep family members updated. You know how distant aunts and uncles see you after a couple months or years and “Say, My Oh My, Bobby how have you grown?” and make a big deal and aunts usually squeeze your cheeks, well if you’d want to avoid that, simply keep in touch with them through this day-to-day project and that way, when they actually see you in person, they will no longer be amazed at how much you’ve changed and leave your cheeks alone.  

 So here is the website and a couple more links to other’s renditions of Keller’s project.



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